In humanity's age-old quest to understand its place in the universe,
our ancestors turned to geometric forms to represent the connection
of the Self to all elements of life. The pentagram serves as a guide
to higher consciousness. Its origins date back to Pre-Babylonian
Sumer. Many ethnic and religious groups have venerated this symbol.
To the Jews, it symbolized the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses.
To the early Christians, it symbolized the five wounds Christ suffered
on the cross. Since the Middle Ages, priests, magicians, and philosophers
have considered the pentagram a powerful symbol of protection and
esoteric knowledge. The pentagram is made up of five triads representing
the metaphysical elements Spirit, Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. These
triads, when joined together, signify the unity of the divine and
the physical. This controversial symbol continues to exist today
as a visual representation of the five-fold path toward spiritual
growth and enlightenment.