Many cultures saw birds as symbols of wisdom and learning. This charming piece, inspired by Norse mythology, represents Odin’s ravens Huginn and Muninn, also known as thought and memory. Everyday they were released to fly across the world of men, watching and gathering news. Every evening they returned to Asgard bringing Odin tales from the day’s journey.
Its interwoven knotwork style also beautifully expresses the blending of our personal thoughts and memories, the intricate web in which we catch our daily experiences and from which we create the unique patterns that define our lives as individuals.
New! New! New! If you like this design
be sure to visit the Enchanted Glyph
Art Gifts Store page where we are offering some of Ben's
beautiful full color bird zoomorphic designs on coffee mugs. Start
your day the knotwork way!
Want to see more designs inspired by Norse mythology? Check out
the Serpent and the Norns.
All of our sterling silver and bronze pendants come ready to wear on an adjustable length black cord. Want more info? Visit our slip-knot page.